Declutter, Downsize, or Launch Your Own Pro Organizing Business

Typical Day of a Professional Organizer + Professional Organizer Job Description

What is a typical day in the life of a Professional Organizer? This is a question I've been asked over and over. Since I've been in the organizing industry for 20+ years, I decided to put together an article that covers the professional organizer job description that...

Decluttering Strategies for Your Kitchen: From Cluttered to Functional for Airbnb

Hello everyone! I'm Katherine Lawrence, a professional organizer known for tackling cluttered spaces, whether for my clients or on TV’s Hoarders. Today, however, I want to share a personal story of transformation: how I turned my childhood home into a welcoming guest...

9 Top Bathroom Drawer Organizers That Maximize Small Spaces

This post is about the best bathroom drawer organizers to help you maximize space and maintain order in your bathroom. If there's one area of my home that constantly needs attention, it's my bathroom drawers. Like many of you, I strive to find the best solutions to...

Hoarders TV Recap – 3 Strategies that Worked

As a professional organizer who worked on the Tiffany episode of Hoarders, season 13, filmed in New Berlin, near Milwaukee, Wisconsin and now streaming on Netflix, I am frequently asked about the challenges of clearing out hoarded homes when working with clients who...

Expert Pre-Planning Strategies to Conquer Extreme Clutter and Hoarding

Are you struggling to figure out where to begin when facing an overwhelmingly cluttered home or a hoarded room? Today, I'm excited to share my invaluable pre-plan strategies that can make all the difference in your decluttering journey. Without a solid plan, it's easy...
How to Downsize a Home in 5 Days

How to Downsize a Home in 5 Days

This post is all about the essential steps and strategies for efficient home downsizing. Do you need to downsize a home fast? Maybe you have less than a month to move a loved one out of their home where they have lived for decades. Sometimes things like a sudden...

How to Downsize your Home in 10 Simple Steps

How to Downsize your Home in 10 Simple Steps

Is this your year to downsize? Maybe you are helping a parent move to a smaller more manageable apartment. Or you are just tired of all the stuff and want to have more time and freedom in your life? In this video, I’ll review 10 steps for downsizing your home with...

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