Declutter, Downsize, or Launch Your Own Pro Organizing Business

Find Your Focus: The Key to Successful Marketing in Your Professional Organizing Business

Hello home organizing enthusists! It's Katherine Lawrence here, a professional organizer and your guide to the world of organizing businesses. If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of diving into a professional organizing career, I've got some sparkling gems for you....

30 Minimalist Quotes

30 Minimalist Quotes from The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker 1. Make the most of the most important place on earth - home.  2. Minimalism isn’t about removing things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.  3....

The 5 Characteristics of Organized People

I have complete and total faith that you can learn to be more organized. I’m guessing if you are struggling to keep your home and your life straight, you may not have mastered one of these characteristics. But don’t fret! By focusing on a few simple changes and...

How to Charge for Home Organizing Services — Professional Organizer Rates

Are you starting a Professional Organizing business and aren't quite sure how to charge or price your time? This post is all about how to come up with professional organizer rates that are fair, competitive, and will help you make a comfortable living. As a...

7 Essential Tips for Working Remotely – Work from Home Productivity

Working from home is not always easy. There are distractions from kids, pets, and other household members and frankly sometimes it is just difficult to focus with other stresses seeping into our minds. But what happens when you’re forced to work from home? With the...
Hoarding Help: Break the Buying Cycle

Hoarding Help: Break the Buying Cycle

I'm Katherine Lawrence, a professional organizer with years of experience working on TV's Hoarders and managing my own organizing business at I'm often been asked: How can we help someone with hoarding behavior? The answer is not as simple as...

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