Declutter, Downsize, or Launch Your Own Pro Organizing Business
Are Professional Organizer Packages a Fit for New Organizers?
A question I get all the time about starting a professional organizing business is “how do I price my services,” and “should I offer packages?” I know a lot of people in the industry who offer Professional Organizer Packages and I sometimes bundle sessions into...
Key Takeaways from the Minimalists: Less is Now on Netflix
How does one become a minimalist? Why should we shop less and live more? The Minimalists, Joshua and Ryan, are back on Netflix to answer those questions in their new documentary The Minimalists, Less is Now. Here I’ll share my takeaways and review of the show. I hope...
What’s in my Tool Bag? Professional Organizer Supplies You Must Have
Are you working as a professional organizer or a home organizer? Showing up to organize for a client is a rewarding project that requires skill, passion, and the appropriate supplies. This post talks about the professional organizer supplies you must have for a...
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